
Truly an Awkward Day

One of my favorite things to do is find bizarre holidays that are actually recognized. For instance, did you know that September 6th is Salami Day? Perhaps you may have heard of Belly Laugh Day recognized on January 26th? Well, today is Awkward Moments Day…and well in the Gray family we observe this holiday quite often and were glad to find that there is an actually holiday celebrating awkwardness.

This morning as Ryan and I made our way into to Jax’s room, we were greeted by a strong aroma of poo. That’s right; the scent of poo hit us in the face like a cement wall. After we were able to battle our way past the door and stench, we looked at our charming, handsome, and adoring youngster and noticed that he was exposed from the waist down. His pj bottoms were on the floor and his diaper was wadded in the corner of his crib. Well, as you might have guessed, as we did, poo was EVERYWHERE. It was smeared into the sheets and blanket. He had poo spread on his legs, face, and hair. The mystery was that there wasn’t a whole lot of poo on that little white bottom. So, while Ryan was stripping the top half of our little monster, I was stripping the bed and getting ready to start some laundry. Then a thought came to mind…”Where did all that poo go?”

You see, one of Jax’s favorite things to do is take his socks off and chuck them behind his crib. As this awareness came to mind…all I could say was, “OH NO!!!!” I slowly edged the crib away from the wall only to discover little droplets of my 21 month old’s poo. Just as I made my unearthing I hear Ryan echo my own words. Ryan found poo in another area at the same time I did, in our little boy’s mouth. That’s right, as Ryan pulled Jax’s paci out he found poo all in it, which means…JAX ATE HIS POO!

Aww…the stories we will tell his girlfriends!!!

With a day beginning like that…Jax has been a little more awkward than typical. Seems that taking off his pants and diaper is a new trick of his, as when I went in to check and see if he was napping, he was once again bare and jolly…good news…it was poo free.

Here’s hoping your Awkward Day was poo free!

# of times the word “poo” was used in this blog: 13


Timbra said...

very icky! two tips i've been told (thankfully never had to use) backwards diapers OR duct tape! my sister swears both work. . . .

Sara Holland said...

Sounds to me like Jax is already taking after his parents and trying to rack up large amounts of akward stories. You must be so proud! ; )

cantwejustbechristians said...

and I thought Mabel eating her poo was terrible. oh well, boys and dogs will be ummm awkward

Love you bunches

sew4u said...

Austin, our 24 year old, never liked to take naps. But 1 day he was so happy in his bed (the door was shut) that I just left him there. He played and googled for about 3 hours. Very unusual for him. Finally I decided to go get him. Upon opening the door, I smelled the same smell you did. He had not taken his diaper off. He had just dipped into it. Then he had painted his crib. He had painted every inch, crack and crevice of the bed! And yes, many people have heard of his deed. One radio show asked for the funniest story we could tell about our seniors in high school and I won by telling that story on the radio station when he was a senior at Monterey High School. Jax will really love you for telling his story!

Timbra said...

i saw that there were no votes yet on my poll, so i assumed you had not stopped by yet and I was JUST on my way over to let you know I'd posted something, but then I noticed a comment (usually I just wait and check them in my email address) so I checked and it's from YOU. . . what I don't understand is how YOU. . queen of "polls" didn't stop to vote on mine!!! (i know, i know. .. you "voted" in your comment, but that's sort of like a hanging chad or something)!