So, who’s ready for spring? We’ve paid attention to the weather in a lot of places where our family and friends are, and wow you’ve been all over the place with tornados, snow, and heat waves. Spring is one of our favorite months. You all have already sprung forward with your clocks…here in Mexico we won’t have our change until the first Sunday of April, but we are definitely having spring-like weather. My favorite thing is to wake up and open the doors and windows of the house. It’s been beautiful and all the flowers in the yard are blooming wonderfully.
February was an exhilarating month for us and for the Benito Juarez congregation. We of course began the month with 102 AIMers and Staff from the Adventures in Missions program from the Sunset International Bible Institute. A few days after they departed, we were blessed by having two couples join us here in the house from the Baxter Institute in Honduras. The team was here to check out the city and scope where they want to begin a new work. We enjoyed having them in the house and we pray for grand things in the future. It’s moving to see natives of Mexico become missionaries and return to this city to work with God to turn this city into a Christian city. Please pray for their fund raising and team dynamics.
As many of you know, when the Oscars are televised, it’s like the Superbowl in our home. We love the Oscars and Ryan more than anyone, takes them seriously. So what a superior way than to turn it into a PARTY! On the 22nd of February, we stocked the buffet with movie treats and drinks. We set up the house with the TVs and had the Oscars blaring. We had our own ballots and we all dressed up in our PJs. This is something Ryan and I have done in the past and we were excited to have others join in. We had around 30 people here, voting, visiting, playing games, and watching the Oscars. It was a great occasion to get to know one another…and Ryan and I love any reason for a party!
For the church in Benito Juarez, this past month brought us some great event planning. Our first order of business was encouraging a fellow congregation that meets about an hour north of the City. We had gotten wind that the congregation there had been low in numbers and feeling a little discouraged. We feel so blessed to be a part of a congregation where the leaders hear this and act on it. The following Sunday, our entire congregation took ourselves north to worship with the congregation there in Cuajimalpa. I have never been a part of a congregation where that would happen. What a proclamation of unity for the Lord’s Church. Please pray that the Cuajimalpa congregation grows in encouragement and guidance.
We were joined one Wednesday evening by one of our elders Jesus Torres and his family. It was his birthday and we had cake and sang along with him. You’ll see some pictures to the right.
We are also planning a Leadership seminar for the area congregations. Our congregation will be planning the event and we hope to have this take place sometime this summer. We ask that you pray for this planning process and that we can build a lot of enthusiasm. I think we all need a little encouragement.
Our cell group that meets here in the house is going well, but we are lacking visitors. Pray for us as we continue to adjust here and meet people. Ryan has met a guy that works at the corner store. His name is Julio. He’s very friendly and we hope that he will join us for group or perhaps a game night. We have also decided as a group to begin looking at Matthew as a guide for our group and see how Jesus speaks to us individually and as a group.
This next month brings some fun things also. We look forward to reporting on our time in Morelia, Mexico that will take place on the weekend of March 28th. Dr. Gailyn and Becky Van Rheenen will be leading a workshop for missionaries and national church leaders who are seeking to find theological foundation of how to take their ministries to the next level. We are excited to go, more to come soon.
As a family we are magnificent. Ryan and I constantly continue to be amazed by Jax and the little man he is becoming. He’s walking like a champ and trying so so hard to talk. He’s still going through his hitting phase, but it seems to be disappearing. Being parents is our favorite thing. We still look at him and cannot believe that God chose us to parent this child. He’s so great. A big shout out to our nephew Griffin! He had his birthday on the 8th! We love you and Happy Birthday!
To the right you’ll see some various pics. A couple are of Jax with his new friend Julian. She is the daughter of some local missionaries, Israel and Nelly who work in the south. They join us every Wednesday for our weekly prayer time. You’ll also see Jax enjoying his time in the kids’ classroom in Cuajimalpa.
I'm so glad that you guys are back in Mexico City! You've been such an encouragement to me. It's also cool to hear about what's going on in a different part of the city. Love you all!
we too love any reason for a party. .but now i feel like that's just a lie since we don't take advante of the oscars. . . that sounds SO FUN!!! i hope someday in the future we'll have the space to entertain again. . i love parties, gatherings, get together, small groups, game nights. . . BEING TOGETHER!!! but right now mike's 7pm bedtime and our 1000sq ft house both limit our ability to do much partying! sounds like some awesome things are going on!
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