
I Was Cloned!

Well after the group left tings got interesting. That next Sunday morning Ry went to the ATM to pull money out for the offering. He came home with a funny look on his face and was asking why our account was showing NO MONEY. I thought for sure it was a glitch with the machine, but low and behold I checked our account online and our funds for the next three months were G.O.N.E. I couldn’t believe it and then upon taking a closer look, noticed that these withdrawals from our account were ting place in the State of Nuevo Leon, about 6 hours away. We had no clue was happening, but we knew it wasn’t good. Ry immediately called to cancel our debit cards to the compromised account. Upon talking to members before worship service, they said oh your cards were cloned. Cloned? Yes, and apparently everyone knows about this crime expect for us. ABC even had a special about on the news a couple months ago. We hear now that it’s quite common in all parts of the world. Well if it was the lottery, then our numbers were drawn, literally. The next morning we began communicating with the bank in Georgia and started investigation processing. We have finally received the money back. We thank everyone for the concerns, giftedness, and support. We finally feel like we are getting back on our feet.

1 comment:

Timbra Wiist said...

oooooooh. . . .NO BUENO (I'm sorry, i just could NOT help myself). . . . yeah, so a few weeks ago i went to Michael's (you know, craft store) and they were giving me the 3rd degree on showing my ID to use my ATM card. . . not even as a credit card, I had to punch in the pin and everything and the lady just kept saying "it's corporate policy" i'm like. . if i was stealing an identity wouldn't I do something other than buy $4 worth of scrapbooking paper????? and isn't the point of putting your pin # in, for all those times you don't have your ID with you? whatever!!!! yeah, it's becoming a national law i guess! (does this still qualify as a comment? it was more like a COMMENTary! on my whole life)