
Artsy Fartsy

Jaxon just completed his first week at Gymboree!  We're so excited.  This week's theme was all about the garden.  He learned about flowers, grass, and what the sun and rain do.  His first class was on Tuesday.  This is his regular Gymboree class.  It was 45 minutes of dancing, climbing, jumping and using their imagination.  His favorite part was the parachute time. 

On Wednesday, Jax took his Gymboree Music Class.  Now we've always thought that Jax was somewhat musically inclined.  He's clapped on beat ever since he was teeny tiny, he loves to dance and sing...ALL THE TIME!  So when Vero told us that he was amazed by him during his music class we were very pleased.  He was the only one in his class to keep beat on the drum.  He played the tamborine, the maracas, and the symbols.  Vero said they learned a song and the teacher was trying to teach them a song on the drum...just keeping a regular beat and Jax was the ONLY one to do it.  Vero said the teacher said, "Sin duda, este niño tiene la musica en su sangre!"  (Without a doubt, this boy has music in his blood) Now for those of you who know me well, you know how music is VERY important to me. 

So, FINALLY he's interested in something like I am.  I mean, those of you have met Jax and in recent times...he's the spitting image of Ryan.  The two of these were born on the same day, weighed about the same and look exactly alike.  So, for there to be something in Jax that I KNOW comes from me...well, it's just pride pride all the way. 

Yesterday, Jax took his first Gymboree Art class.  He had tons of fun and came home with two art projects.  Here are some shots of his art work...I believe we will start a gallery in his room.


Timbra Wiist said...

fun stuff. . . so is this like a little school? is it a mix of all the different classes? my impression was that we had to choose ONE type of class to go to, maybe i'll look into it a little more b/c i really like the art class aspect, though right now we're not doing classes where we sent alani alone. . . fun for jax to have a little bit of mama finally showing through :)

sew4u said...

Quite the artist!