
March Madness

We’ve been quite busy here these past few weeks. Today we said goodbye to 7 university students. We had a mix of Abilene and Lubbock Christian University, and a couple of students from Texas Tech. It is very rare that we have such a small group. We were very excited about their trip here and let me just say, this small group of seven had a powerful punch and made lasting impressions. The day Audrey, Karla, Emily, Austin, Courtney, Jared, and Chris arrived, they went straight to work. We took them to Coyoacan for some Frida Kahlo history and then that evening we prepared over 100 sack lunches for the homeless.

Sunday we had a combined service with the congregation down in the center of the City. Ryan set the two congregations out a mission to hang out this sack lunches to people in need. The homeless are everywhere in the city, so that wasn’t hard to do. However, one of our elders Filo, put a spin on things. He handed out food to anyone, just letting them know that we were from a church and that we wanted to show them love by providing lunch and them have one less thing to think about. It was a great success and it was the first time that we had gotten both congregations involved in a community service project.

After services, Ryan took the group to see a museum in the city center. The group made it back to the house in time for our Praise Night with the Benito Juarez congregation. Israel Campos, our token praise & worship leader, led us in some great praise. Our college group provided such encouragement with their singing and thoughts. Some of them just played with the kids, which is always welcomed and needed. After our praise night, more sack lunches were made for a full day of service on Monday.

Monday the group went to an orphanage. They took lunches, t-shirts, a piñata full of candy and their hearts. They spent the day give their love, laughter, and hearts to children that have found themselves abandoned by their families. I’m sure they made a lasting impression on those children, but I’m thinking it was the group’s lives that were changed more than anything.
That evening, we were invited Vero’s sister’s house. It was Beto’s 24th birthday. We are use to these celebrations and cherish all the opportunities to pass this time with our Mexican family here…but it was so much fun to share the experience with these college students. Some of them expressed that the birthday party was their favorite thing and that the food provided was the best that they had. Vero told me that she was extremely impressed by how much they all ate.
Tuesday was “tour the city” day. They went to the Basilica, the Zocala, and the Tower of Latin America. This always makes for a long day, but no rest for the weary because that evening we had a game night at the house. We had a great time playing domino and Texas Hold ‘Em with church members. We played well into the evening and there was a lot of joking that made it pass the language barrier.

Wednesday we wrapped things up with a trip to the Pyramids and the market for them to do all of their gift shopping. Last night, we spent the evening catching up and sharing thoughts about the week. This morning we made to Bisquits’ for a big breakfast together and then some prayer walking. They even snuck in a little Italian Gelato at Chiendoni’s before they grabbed their taxi’s to the airport.

This was a powerful week for our congregation and for us. Ryan and I having a hard time expressing the importance of visiting groups here, but they are SOOOO important for us and the church. Just like in the States, when you know of a guest speaker, or a group coming, perhaps a seminar that your congregation is offering…well it keeps you excited and coming around on Sunday’s and Wednesdays to see “what’s next?” The same goes here. Sometimes those visits from other members in God’s Kingdom keep us going for a wild. It keeps the Benito Juarez congregation on a “high.”

So, thank you Austin, Emily, Jared, Chris, Courtney, Karla & Audrey! You’re time here will always be remembered. Thank you to those who have been here and for those who are coming this summer! Ryan, Jax and I look forward to seeing you…but more importantly, your family in Christ here in Mexico City can’t wait to spend time with you and fellowship with you. For those of you who have thought of coming, but fear has hindered you….COME be with us! The Benito Juarez congregation awaits you!

Other news…this Friday, the leaders of the Benito Juarez congregation will start a grief recovery seminar. This is going to be very useful for us and teach us things that we can us ourselves and tools to be able to help others in the future. This is to be a two-Friday event. Please pray for punctuality and attendance. We believe that this is very important. Next Thursday Ryan will leave the city with Vero and Beto to go back to Tilaco (Vero’s home village). Vero’s father will be another year older and she is in need of some help with taking care of her father and her father’s farmland. Ryan has volunteered to go spend about a week with them to help out. Jax and I will stay behind here in the city and go about of normal weekly schedule. Please keep Ryan, Vero, and Beto in your prayers next week as they travel. Pray for Jax and I as we stay in the city. I am never fearful being here in the city...we’ve never been worried for our safety….however, as a safety precaution, one of Vero’s other sons will stay with us here in the house at night to watch over us. Jax and I will more than likely stay in the house except for our daily walk around the block or the occasional trip to the ice cream shop.Well that’s all for now! I love you all and know of those that are reading. Thank you for the comments that are left on here. Thanks for the emails and encouraging words. I miss you all often.


Timbra Wiist said...

always waiting for another installment. . . sounds like a really uplifting time. I WANT TO COME TO MC!!! I haven't been for 4.5 years! It's about time huh?! Love the updates!

Melissa @ M Miranda Creations said...

I was encouraged and uplifted just reading about the visit. I miss those days! I am glad you and the family are all well and I will be praying for Ryan and the others traveling. Take care.